While man is the inventor of machines, he is also highly dependent on the machines. After industrial revolution man has developed and progressed rapidly. 

Machines and modern technology have given him comfort, facilities and leisure in life. From simple calculations to mass production of things-everything we need in today's fast paced life is assisted by machines. MAN VS MACHINE: WHICH IS BETTER?
The products are finely made with the help of machines and have a better finish compared to the human made products. Ma0chines can manufacture things in larger quantities compared to man and at greater speed. Whether it is clothing, footwear or jewelry, everything produced by machines has a good finish.
Artificial intelligence not only save lot of time and energy but is also a medium of entertainment for man. Today man cannot imagine his life without smart phones, laptops, music systems, television sets, washing machines and other such equipment.Humans and machines are not competitors, but humans collaborate with
machines for more productivity, speed and accuracy. From communication to travelling everything has become simple and speedy. Mans seeks help of the machines for all the activities he does. There are countless uses of machines. Machines are responsible for rapid development in the present day word.
In a way, I think machines have made human life entertaining as well as dull as he has no time and patience to work hard or enjoy the natural beauty of the world.
The collaboration of man and machines, I think is the best though it can have both positive as well as negative impact on mankind

However, we must not forget that machines are a creation of man. So, surely man is superior to machines has become handicapped in a way as physically he has become less active and is dependent on machines.
Man is a greedy animal who wants more and more. Even though machines have made the life of man easy, he has no time and patience to live peaceful life.       


In a way, I think machines have made human life entertaining as well as dull as he has no time and patience to work hard or enjoy the natural beauty of the world.
The collaboration of man and machines, I think is the best though it can have both positive as well as negative impact on mankind



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